Prevent Cyberloafing, Increase Productivity

Unmanaged Internet resources are always used for non-work related activity, so much so that this actually has it’s own name.  It is referred to as cyberloafing.  

Cyberloafing is a term used to describe the actions of employees who use their Internet access at work for personal use while pretending to do work.  
This activity costs business thousands of lost hours in productivity and negatively impacts the responsiveness of the Internet for people who need the Internet to do their job.

The Legal Case for blocking Content such as porn, gambling and movies

Any traffic that traverses your Internet resources is your legal responsibility.  Piracy and gambling are just two areas where you may face legal challenges.  The LucidView Enforcer product suite eliminates this risk and ensures your bandwidth is only used in line with the law and your company policies.  

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