Generating a Security Report

This video demonstrates how to generate a security report for a specific Enforcer.  This report provides much needed insight into the connections that are likely malware or represent unauthorised access from remote hackers.

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To generate a security report for a specific Enforcer profile follow these steps:

  1. Login to your LucidView MikroTik Portal
  2. Click on “View All” Enforcers
  3. Log into the Enforcer you wish to create the report for
  4. In the “Reports & Dashboards” section click the “Generate Reports” link
  5. Under “Detailed Category Reports” click “Generate Now
  6. Now select your desired report type, filter and time-frame
  7. In the drop down menu under “Select Report” choose the “Specific Category Connection Report
  8. In the drop down menu under “Select Category Filter” choose “Security Risk
  9. In the drop down menu under “Report timeframe” choose the time-frame you desire
  10. Click “Generate
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