Gaming And VoIP
Online gaming is a growing and competitive arena. In many cases it is replacing traditional sports. It is also data intensive and requires sufficient bandwidth to thrive.
VoIP on the other hand is rapidly taking over from the typical land line telecoms of the past. It is even surpassing the cellular voice calls we have become used to. VoIP, like online gaming requires enough bandwidth to be allocated to it to function.
With the LucidView MikroTik Enforcer, there is no longer any need for these groups to fight for available bandwidth. Our unique FairShare technology allocates the available data fairly. Importantly, both applications are provided with sufficient bandwidth to function optimally.
Uncompromised gaming and VOIP
- Build your LucidView Enforcer using your existing MikroTik Router and our easy to follow instructions and video’s.
- Decreases latency (ping-time) by preventing other devices from hogging the network through FairShare™ technology.
- Optimizes and manages your existing internet connection, allocates bandwidth fairly and as needed.
- Set up a custom blocking schedule. eg: Only allow access to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc. during specific times of the day.
- Assesses exposure to malware, spyware, and undesirable or malicious remote connections that can undermine network performance.
- Reporting on internet activity and usage at network level and by individual device.
- Additional features for child safety, businesses and capped bandwidth environments.
More details
- Completely block or manage access to social media, gambling sites, malware and other threats that can undermine bandwidth.
- Customizable user-defined blacklisting / whitelisting of specific websites and services.
- Updates automatically providing new features and continued protection against newly identified threats.